Precious name of Jesus
by Julian Santiago on December 29th, 2024
God’s name is more than a title—it’s an invitation to know Him intimately. He provides, heals, and fights for us, showing He desires a personal connection with His people. When Jesus revealed Himself as Emmanuel (“God with us”), He bridged the gap between heaven and earth...  Read More
The Great I AM
by Julian Santiago on December 9th, 2024
When God said His name was “I AM,” He was revealing that He is eternal and unchanging. He’s not just a part of life—He is life. He’s everything we could ever need. Whether we’re scared, tired, or unsure of what to do, God’s name reminds us that He’s got us covered...  Read More
Youth: The Great I AM
by Julian Santiago on December 9th, 2024
When God said His name was “I AM,” He was telling Moses (and us) that He’s unchanging, eternal, and completely in control. It means He’s everything we’ll ever need. Whether we’re scared, confused, or feeling alone, God promises that He is always with us, ready to help.  Read More
Youth: Down from His glory
by Julian Santiago on December 2nd, 2024
Have you ever thought about how far someone would go to help someone else? Imagine giving up everything you have just to help someone in need. That’s exactly what Jesus did when He left heaven to come to earth. The story of Jesus isn’t just about miracles and teachings—it’s about God choosing humility to show His love for us.  Read More
Down from His glory
by Julian Santiago on December 2nd, 2024
What would you do if you had the chance to glimpse God’s glory? Would you be in awe of His majesty or overwhelmed by His greatness? For Moses, the desire to see God’s glory was so strong he boldly asked for it. But as incredible as that moment was, the most amazing display of God’s glory didn’t happen on Mount Sinai—it happened in a stable in Bethlehem....  Read More
Youth: All in Him
by Julian Santiago on November 25th, 2024
In Bible times, people believed in all kinds of gods. The Egyptians worshipped the sun, the Nile River, and even animals. This way of thinking, called polytheism (believing in many gods), was normal for most cultures....  Read More
Youth: Our reasonable service
by Julian Santiago on November 18th, 2024
Have you ever noticed how quickly things can change? Think back to the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Suddenly, hand sanitizer and toilet paper became as valuable as gold. People lined up outside stores, panicked about running out of everyday stuff they’d never worried about before. Crazy, right? It makes you think: What do we really value, and does it even matter in the long run?  Read More
Our reasonable service
by Julian Santiago on November 18th, 2024
During the COVID-19 pandemic, what we considered essential shifted dramatically. Items we had always taken for granted—like hand sanitizer and toilet paper—became priceless commodities. People waited in lines, hoping they weren’t too late to grab what they needed. This experience highlights how easily we can misplace value until a crisis forces us to reconsider. In the same way, the Apostle Paul challenges us to build our lives around things that have lasting, eternal value rather than conforming to the world's ever-changing priorities...  Read More
Rebuilding Altars
by Julian Santiago on November 13th, 2024
Pastor Battle's message on Rebuilding Altars was a wake-up call, challenging us to rethink our approach to faith in today’s turbulent world. Let’s unpack some of the highlights that stirred our hearts and left us inspired to take action.  Read More
Youth: Hearing in faith
by Julian Santiago on November 11th, 2024
Paul wrote the Book of Romans to help people understand what it means to follow Jesus. In chapter 10, Paul explains how important faith is for us to be saved. Back in Paul’s time, many Jewish people wanted to please God but didn’t realize that following rules wasn’t enough. They needed to put their faith in Jesus, the Savior. They had the wrong idea about how to be right with God.  Read More
Hearing in faith
by Julian Santiago on November 11th, 2024
Paul’s letter to the Romans stands as a monumental piece of Christian theology, and chapter 10 focuses on the importance of faith in salvation. During Paul’s time, many devout Jews were zealous for God but lacked understanding of His new covenant through Jesus Christ. They held tightly to the Law, missing the revelation that Jesus was the fulfillment of God’s promise. Paul’s deep desire was for them to embrace faith in Jesus, the true Redeemer.  Read More
God’s love is bigger than our biggest mistakes
by Julian Santiago on November 4th, 2024
Romans 3:23 and 6:23 hit hard: everyone messes up, and those mistakes—sin—come with serious consequences. But here’s the good news: God’s love is bigger than our biggest mistakes...  Read More